Outer Banks Bass Fishing

March 15, 2014

Fished our first club tournament on the Scuppernong River this weekend.  It was a tough day of fishing with water temps in the low 50's and a hard wind from the southwest.  I did catch the winning lunker for the day.  A 7.70 pounder hit a Backwater Custom Crank square bill in the Sour Smash color about 9:30 that morning in about 5 foot.

If you have any questions about our adventures, please visit our website at www.backwateradventures.com or call us at 252-202-3112.

Labels: Outer Banks bass fishing, Outer Banks bass guide, Bass fishing on the Outer Banks, OBX bass fishing, Outer Banks bass fishing guide, Backwater Adventures, Outer Banks Fresh Water Fishing, Outer Banks Fishing for Kids.